Hot Air Oven Manufacturer

A programmable hot air oven is a type of oven that allows you to set the desired temperature and cooking time. This is in contrast to a conventional oven, which typically only has a few pre-set temperatures.

Programmable hot air ovens are often used in laboratories and industrial settings, but they are also becoming increasingly popular for home use. They are a versatile tool that can be used to cook a wide variety of foods, including meats, vegetables, and baked goods.

Hot Air Oven Manufacturer in India

HARRIER ENTERPRISES  is leading manufacturers and suppliers of Hot Air Oven in India. A hot air oven is a type of heat sterilization equipment used in various laboratories. This amazing testing instrument will easily destroy the microorganisms as well as bacterial spores with precise temperature control. This type of testing instrument can also be used for material drying applications.

Product Specification

Temperature range

Ambient +5°C to 250°C

Temperature accuracy

±1°C or better

Temperature sensor


Temperature controller

 PID automatic control via SSR power control with phase angle fired, current limiting resistor.

 1 programmable x 16 segments for precise control of heating rate, cooling rate and dwell time.

 Built in PID Auto-Tune function with overheating & broken thermocouple broken protection for this Split Tube Furnace 1200 type.

 Over temperature protection and alarm allows for operation without attendant


Double walled

Inner chamber

Stainless steel 304


Powder coated GI sheet


Ceramic Wool


Chrome plated wire mesh cable trays (removable)


2 Trays


Insulated solid door with spring latch

Door gasket

Silicone Gasket

Air circulation

Motor driven blower assembly


NSIC REGD, ISO 9001 – 2015/14001-2015/13485-2016/FDA/ GMP/CE CERTIFIED


Over temperature thermostat

Power supply

220/230 Volts / 1 Phase Supply