Fume Hood

Fume Hood Manufacturer in India
The core application of a fume hood is fume removal also minimizing nuisance doors. Itis used in laboratory where some important tasks are preformed such as solvent mixing,soldering and working with volatile organics, powder and flammable chemicals, different types of acids and low door thresholds etc. and all these tasks generate hazardous fumesthat are harmful not only environment but also for operator and surrounding people. Inthis case a fume hood becomes important which sucks fumes and throws outside theworking environment to maintain acceptable air quality aiming for enhancing safety of personnel as well as laboratory environment.
Inner working chamber is the most important part of fume hood which remains indirect contact of fumes, acids and different types of chemicals. We make inner chamber walls of stainless steel (304) which is further coated with FRP layer if needed. The Sizes of chamber are 7 ft x 3 ft x 3 ft etc.
The work bench of fume hood is either made of granite marble.
Externa lsurface is either made of stainless-steelsheet(304).
Service valves are added (02 Nos) Both Sides we can fit wet and dry service valves (brass needle valves)for raw water,nitrogen gas,air and vacuum.
To run the apparatus inside fume hood,we fit electrical sockets 1×2.
It is a glass window mechanism which is moved up and down using sash track. Sash track is a system made of weights and a pulley. Operator can easily move sash up or down and keep at desired height during work.
For suction in fume hood, we provide centrifugal blower assemble made of direct drive motor of any branded make.
At the bottom of fume hood,we provide ventilated cabinet to store chemicals.
Product Specification
Inner chamber | SS |
304 Exterior | Stainless |
Steel Worktop | Jet black granite |
Illumination | Fluorescent tubelight(02Nos) |
Blower | Centrifugal exhaust blower(direct drive motor) |
Standard Fittings | Watertap Sink with drainage system Electrical sockets |